After hopping up and down looking for how to make money online unsuccessfully - I finally cracked a code on how to earn $400 - $2000+ monthly, and I spilled them all in…

The Beginner's ROADMAP To Becoming A Highly Paid Copywriter

Before I tell you all about copywriting and how it turned me into a millionaire in less than 28 weeks, let me start by giving you a bit of information about myself.

Since 2018, I've been seeing people making money online and I've been actively looking for a way to join the party, but everything I tried ended in tears.

I've tried and attempted so many things - taking free courses and watching YouTube videos. From social media management, web design, content writing, and the list just keeps going on and on.

No matter how hard I tried, with countless job applications and running the rat race on freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, I was still not eating this pie other people were enjoying online.

When I almost gave up was when I met one low paying client on a freelance platform, and this man almost frustrated my life without paying me at the end of the day. I just packed my online business bags and decided to focus on my academics.

But, my story didn't end there o, because I later came back, struggled some more and still didn't figure out this online money stuff.

Then, fast forward to 2020 after graduating with a First Class degree (High Honours) in a world-class international university as a pharmacist, the first job I attempted was below the Minimum wage.

I didn't know what I was in for until I started my internship shortly after I got married.

Here's a lovely photo of me and my young family

The pay was ridiculously low compared to the amount of money my parents spent while training me in an international university, which mostly involved borrowing.

I was tired of the night shifts, day shifts, and constant monitoring by my superiors despite being pregnant.

In the midst of all these things, Copywriting adverts kept following me around and I joined the school of YouTube videos and Google search, but I was still not clear on what to do and how to start making money from it.

I just felt stuck, until I stumbled on a Copywriting course that changed my story and gave me a proper head start.

In less than 90 days, I got my first client and what started as little as $400 per month has become more than $2000 per month after I landed many more clients.

With the 27+ potential International Clients chasing me around to work with them, I'm closer to $10k per month than ever before.

If this is the first time you're hearing about Copywriting or you're not fully sure what Copywriting is all about, and why I'm getting paid lots of money as a copywriter…

Here's your answer👇

Copywriting is simply making sales with words.

There are two main aspects to it.

Brand Copywriting: Blog posts, social media posts, website copy etc.

Direct response Copywriting: Facebook Ads copy, Emails, Sales letters, Sales pages/Lading pages, webinar scripts etc.

The direct response stuff is where most foreign clients are willing to invest a lot of money 💰 🤑 because you're using words to make them more money 💸

Does it make sense now? Yes

In the beginners ROADMAP to becoming a highly paid Copywriter…

I'll show you how you can go from not knowing anything about writing or Copywriting to knowing enough to start earning at least $300 - $400 per month, with a potential of $2000 + monthly.

Even if you have never written online before

Even if you're still a student

Even if you have a 9 to 5 and you're just looking for a part time job.

You only need a commitment to practice everything I've revealed in this beginner's roadmap, and you should just go and open a domiciliary account because you'll be needing it in the next 30 to 90 days.

Here's what my clients are saying....

I don't want to start recounting all the wonderful testimonials I've received from my various clients in the USA, UK, Canada and Australia.


Even if you're just hearing about Copywriting but you like the idea of making $400 - $2000 monthly, working from the comfort of your home for 3 - 6 hours daily…


You've been stuck with free YouTube videos


You've wasted your money on countless courses that scammed you


You've paid for some Copywriting courses, but you're still not making any headway

This course is for you if…

  • You're an undergraduate looking for extra income to support yourself and start enjoying the good things of life

  • You're a fresh graduate looking for a head way to start making money and start sending money to your siblings and family

  • You're a youth Service corps member, looking for a better income than your minimum wage

  • You're a stay at home mum who wants to start contributing to the family wellbeing

  • You're tired of the hassles involved in a 9 to 5 or demanding bosses

  • You're just a random person who wants to earn your way to a better life

Just to make this clear, The Beginner's Roadmap to Becoming a Highly Paid Copywriter is NOT for you if:

You're looking for a get rich quick scheme because you'll need to practice what you'll learn to see results.

You're too lazy to go through the course materials

You're just looking for a Ponzi scheme or something similar.

Since we are clear, see what Ifeoma had to say after she attended a Copywriting class I held:

All these things are just tips off the iceberg, because In the beginners Roadmap to Becoming a highly paid Copywriter...

I explained Copywriting and client acquisition in a way to make sure you're getting a real MAP to take you from wherever you are to making money through Copywriting.

In MODULE 1 - 3: I start by helping you understand the basics of Copywriting, the different types of content clients will need for you, and how you can write a result producing copy for your clients. I explained all forms of brand and direct response copy including: emails, short and long form sales letters, landing page copy, VSLs, Facebook Ads, Website Copy, Blogs, Social Media Posts, webinar scripts & Ebooks .

And then, for so many people who are already writers but struggle with market research and writers block…

MODULE 4, is where I dived deep into how to do market research in a way that gives you more than enough information, and how to use all the information to start writing without feeling stuck on a blank page plus, I recorded a video to show you how.

  • You'll learn my detailed market research strategy for getting more information than I need when writing copy

  • You'll learn what to look for in research, how to look for it, where to look for it, and how to validate your findings.

  • You'll learn how to organise your research and how to use it for your copy.

  • You'll learn how to overcome writer's block using my strategy for turning research into completed copy.

Now, you're getting impatient, you need to hear how you can start making money 💰 as soon as possible, and that's why I dedicated the entire module 5 to show you my top 5 strategies and platforms for getting and keeping clients.

  • You'll learn my 5 top strategies for client acquisition.

  • You'll learn detailed strategies on how to position yourself to start attracting high paying Clients.

  • You'll learn cold outreach strategies and get my cold email templates.

If all this is not enough to make you grab the roadmap immediately, you might want to hang around a bit more and hear about all the mouth-watering bonuses I added to make sure this MAP leads you to Copywriting Mastery and Money

I'm doing all this, because I've seen so many people struggling with making money from Copywriting, despite taking popular Copywriting courses.

Bonus #1 Choosing a Niche

  • You'll learn different Copywriting niches and how to decide which one you should choose.

  • You'll learn where and how to find clients in your any niche.


  • You will learn how to build a simple and structured portfolio to position yourself as a professional.

  • You'll get to know the mistakes I made when building a portfolio and how to avoid it.

  • I'll show you how to actually create a simple portfolio in Google drive.


  • You'll learn what to say on a sales call to win the heart of a potential client.

  • You'll learn different questions you'll ask a client on a sales call and what questions to ask for your project when you close the deal.

  • You'll learn how to craft proposals that can help you close clients and how to draft agreements/contracts to send to clients.

  • You'll learn how to avoid the mistakes I made in closing deals, and went from $550 per month to $2000+ per month.

  • You'll learn the right mindset for client acquisition and how to close deals with high paying clients.

  • Pricing: You'll learn how to set your price and how to negotiate for royalties/commissions with clients and how I've successfully done this with different clients.

  • You'll learn different ways to accept payment from international clients and prevent yourself from getting scammed.

  • I'll show you how to deliver your work to your client.

Bonus #4 A Glossary of common Copywriting and marketing terms to give you clarity and help you position yourself as an expert when talking to clients

Bonus #5 A telegram support group to keep you accountable by connecting with other growing Copywriters + monthly live calls featuring free Q & A sessions, copy dissection and continued training and support.

Bonus #6 You'll get my LinkedIn Strategy Course for free (worth -$10/5,600 Naira)

Here's what Favour said about the LinkedIn Course:

At this point, you are probably already telling yourself 'all this cannot be cheap" because who gives away this kind of value all for a small amount.

But, I decided to shock you and still make it super affordable.

With only a little investment, you'll grab your Roadmap and get yourself started on the journey to becoming a highly paid Copywriter by hitting the red button below.

You're probably asking me now…

Victoria, Why is this Ridiculously Affordable?

The thing is, I understand the state of the economy and how hard things are becoming.

I also know the struggle to make money, and I want to help as many people as possible to start earning online through Copywriting, so they can meet their needs, get out of debts, and start enjoying life - taking trips, vacations and affording luxury.

You can buy it now, or get it at an increased price. It's your choice to make. If you're ready, tap the red button below.

Once you click the red button below to get the roadmap, it will take you to payment page and after you make payment, you'll get the course access link in your email.

Click the big red button to get your roadmap to becoming a highly paid copywriter, now!
